I don’t do a lot of number crunching, I just know I love to serve and that I am called to assist in changing people’s lives for the better as a Chiropractor. But I’ve noticed the steady change over the years in how people find me and begin care. Statistics have always shown me that word of mouth, personal referrals is the chief way folks find us, and a distant 2nd WAS social media reviews and testimonials.

Now they’re almost tied.

When we ask a new patient who to thank, a personal recommendation is still the most common. But often now too, it’s what they’ve read about us. Whether spoken or written, sharing your words of how your life has improved with a healthier nerve supply touches the life of someone seeking answers. Your words plant a seed that can change a life! 
You most likely found our office this way too. Think about it: how many lives could be impacted by sharing your story? If you tell a friend, it affects one person. But when people search the web, it has the capacity to reach many more, be seen and even felt. And that’s not a small thing! 
I invite you to plant your seed by sharing your Chiropractic story. Your words may alter the course of someone in need: a man, a mom, a teen, a baby, a senior, or someone who’s lost hope. Plant hope.

Maybe you’d like to help others by posting a positive Google review for us? Here's an easy link

Dr. Nalyn :)